There will be a Freshman Experience Day on Monday, August 15, from 8:15 to 10:30 AM. Buses will run regular routes that day to and from school. During Freshman Experience Day students will be able to hear information that pertains to high school and general procedures they will follow while at MTHS. Students will have the opportunity to walk their schedules and open their lockers. The goal for the day is to start getting the freshmen adjusted to the building, familiar with their schedules, and informed on MTHS procedures.

Thank you to the MTHS Key Club Volunteers led by Mr. and Mrs. Bachfischer for helping the Metamora to Peoria St. Jude Runners with lunch today! We appreciate Redbirds giving back to their community!

MTHS staff members welcome the class of 2026! Students received a t-shirt, bag, and welcome letter! Thank you to Mr. Ballard, Mrs. Ballard, Mr. Fandel, Mrs. Fehr, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Herring, Mr. Hodel, Dr. Jewell, Mrs. McCoy, Mr. Stalter, and Mrs. Stalter, Mrs. Tryner, Mr. Webb, and Mr. Zimmerman. Thank you to Logowear for the great shirts! Special thank you to the Metamora Kiwanis Club and Metamora Germantown Hills Rotary Club for sponsoring. We are excited to see all of the great things our students do this year!