Juniors interested in signing up for the NMSQT this fall... Sign-up deadline is September 6th. Access the sign-up form with your MTHS Gmail at https://forms.gle/YyDf2PkWH9qVzRVp9 or use the QR code. Cost is $18. Connect with your counselor with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Travis Grant
NMSQT Signup Flyer
Unified Redbirds will have their first meeting on Thursday, September 24th at 7AM in room 208. Everyone is welcome!
over 1 year ago, Tabitha Cooper
Unified Redbirds
Announcing the 2024 MTHS Spring Musical! MARY POPPINS Directed by Tyler Smith March 14-17, 2024 Don't miss Mary fly into Metamora this Spring! Auditions will be in December. For more information, please visit the Musical activity page on our website.
over 1 year ago, Tyler Smith
Mary Poppins - Poster
We are ready to Welcome the Class of 2027 to MTHS! Thank you to the Metamora Kiwanis Club, The Metamora-Germantown Hills Rotary Club, and the Metamora Area Business Association for helping sponsor our Freshman Spirit Packs this year. Also, thank you to Logowear for providing the bags and t-shirts. Thank you to Mr. Shoopman, Ms. Harrison, Mr. Herring, Mr. Stalter, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. McCoy, Dr. Jewell, Mr. Hodel, Mr. Grant, and Dr. Zimmerman for helping deliver spirit packs.
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
We look forward to seeing our entire community on August 18th at our Redbird Community Kickoff Event. Please see attached for more information.
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
MTHS Boys Golf Try Out Information ... Try Outs @ Metamora Fields Golf Course Monday, August 7th - 6:30am - 9-18 holes Tuesday, August 8th - 6:30am - 9-18 holes Wednesday, August 9th - 6:30am - 9-18 holes Email Coach Brockhouse if interested at mbrock@mths.us In order to try out, a current physical must be turned in at onsite registration or by August 4th. The MTHS drug form, athletic permit form, IHSA drug form, and Impact form all have to be filled out ONLINE before Aug 4. Players are responsible for their own golf equipment. Team Information Academics come first. This is more important than golf. Any player who does not meet IHSA eligibility requirements will not play in events until eligibility is met. In-season practices / matches / tournaments Practices will be after school every weekday that there is not a match unless otherwise stated. Players will need their own transportation to practices at Metamora Fields. Players are expected to arrive on time and attend each practice and match unless excused prior to by the coach. All players will not play in tournaments and matches. The top 6 guys (based on average) will be varsity, the next 6 JV. Equipment Prospective student-athletes need to have the following equipment: Golf clubs, bag, balls, and tees. Khaki or similar short and collared shirt for try-outs. Expectations Prospective student-athletes will conduct themselves appropriately on the course and will follow IHSA and USGA regulations regarding play. Prospective student-athletes will have an up-to-date IHSA sports physical. Prospective student-athletes will be respectful students. Coach Mike Brockhouse mbrock@mths.us / 309-303-7487
over 1 year ago, MTHS
Boys Golf Try Outs
Metamora Volleyball Night Fundraiser at Weaver's on July 25. 10% of all sales will go to the MTHS volleyball program. We hope to see you there!!! 7301 N. Radnor Road - Peoria
over 1 year ago, Tara Ballard
MTHS is looking to fill our team; we have an immediate opening for an evening custodial position. For more information about the opening, please get in touch with Kevin Hodel at khodel@mths.us. To apply, please contact Mr. Hodel by noon Monday, July 31, 2023.
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
2nd Shift
Congratulations to MTHS Alum, Anna Peplowski, for qualifying to represent Team USA at the World Swimming Championships in Japan! Good luck!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
Head to Kirby Foods to get all your Fourth of July staples while supporting our Unified Redbirds program! Just say, "Round up for Unified Redbirds" at the register!
over 1 year ago, Tabitha Cooper
Thank you to several MTHS Varsity Basketball Team members for helping support the community and the Children's Hospital of Illinois. These young men volunteered their time to help clean up Metamora Fields after the Mitchell Tenpenny Concert. 
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
Boys' Basketball Team
Head to Kirby Foods in Metamora and "Round Up" for Unfiied Redbirds now through July 10th!!!
over 1 year ago, Tabitha Cooper
Unified Redbirds
Redbird Buddies Student Spotlight...Meet Angel. Angel just finished his freshman year at MTHS. He loves food, sports, and music -- especially dancing! Angel loves his niece, Dulce, too. Help support Angel and other students in the Redbird Buddies program by rounding up at Kirby Foods from June 28th - July 10th!
over 1 year ago, Tabitha Cooper
Angel and friends
Congratulations to the MTHS Softball Team on their Sectional Championship victory over Washington last night! The Birds will play on Monday at 4:30 PM at Eastside against Lemont. We look forward to seeing the community at Eastside supporting the girls!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
Sectional Champs
Softball 2
Looking for some Friday night entertainment? Head out to MTHS to cheer on our Softball Team against Washington. The game starts at 4:30 PM. We look forward to seeing the community supporting our ladies! If you are going to be out of town you can catch the game by clicking on the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsj7isbP99U
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
Looking to keep your math skills up over the summer? Consider hiring a math tutor! The following MTHS students and recent graduates provide paid tutoring services for students in grade school, middle school, and high school. Suggested rate is $25/hour, but individual tutors may set their own rates. Khan Academy has free summer prep courses if you are looking for resources. List of Tutors: https://tinyurl.com/mthsmathtutors Khan Academy Summer Courses: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/get-ready-courses
over 1 year ago, Melissa Walton
Summer Math Tutoring
Help support our Unified Redbirds program at Kirby Food June 25th thru July 8th by "rounding up" at the register!
over 1 year ago, Tabitha Cooper
Unified Redbirds
MTHS is looking for Bus Drivers for the 2023-2024 school year. If interested, please contact Mr. Jared Hart at jhart@mths.us and fill out the attached application below. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3169/MTHS/2128332/Classified-Employment-Application.pdf
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
Bus Drivers
MTHS was proud to host our Inaugural Redbird Scholars Luncheon this spring. 2009 MTHS Alumni Dr. Jacob Becraft, CEO and Co-Founder of Strand Therapeutics, was able to give great insight to our Seniors who were named Redbird Scholars. We look forward to continuing this tradition.
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman
Dr. Becraft
Program 1
Program 2
Dr. Becraft 2
Congratulations to Drew Tucker for continuing his athletic and academic career running track at SIUE next year. Keep working hard, Drew!
over 1 year ago, Charlie Zimmerman