Special Education
Dear Parents: Good communication between home and school is essential to the success of every student. The start of a new school year is the perfect opportunity to open an exchange of ideas between the parents and teachers. We encourage you to contact us with any comments or concerns you might have.
During the coming school year, we will be contacting your son or daughter’s teachers on a regular basis to monitor his or her progress. If areas of concern are brought to our attention, we will first notify your student and discuss any problems they may be experiencing. We will be emphasizing problem-solving techniques that they may use and encourage them to resolve the difficulty on their own. If problems persist we will then notify you and make you aware of the situation.
We encourage you to contact each classroom teacher as well as our special education staff with your concerns. We will be happy to answer any question or help in any way. Thank you for your support. We hope to have a great school year.
Parents of IEP Students
School personnel who provide related services to students are required to maintain written logs that contain the service provided, the date, and the number of minutes administered. These related service logs must be made available to parents/guardians during the student’s annual review IEP meeting and anytime upon request. These service logs are considered part of a student’s temporary school records.
Class Supply List
Click HERE to access the Class Supplies List
Special Education Goals and Standards
Department Documents
♦ Dear Parents and How Can Resource Help
How can resource help?
♦ SE Course Book
Departmentalized Special Education Classes
Community Resources
** WCSEA (Woodford County Special Education Association)
** ACES (www.aces4families-woodfordcounty.com)