Physical Education
Freshman students will take one semester of Physical Education and one semester of Health Education. All other students are required to take a full year of Physical Education each year except those who bring an excuse from a physician. It is the purpose of the Physical Education staff to provide the students with a program that is well-rounded, comprehensive and meaningful. The program should acquaint students with skills to promote his/her physical fitness and leisure time activities. The philosophy of this program is to ensure participation in the varying activities in order to develop interest and fulfill the objectives. Physical Education is an important aspect of general education as it can develop the physical, social and mental well-being of the student. Students will be graded on participation, fitness, and written knowledge.
Archery in the Schools Program
Practices will begin on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 7:30 am – 8:00 am in the North Gym for any student wishing to participate in the Archery in the Schools Program. No prior experience is needed. Practices will continue every Thursday and Tuesday mornings until March 21 if there is enough interest. Please see Mrs. Bartman or Mrs. Hayes if you have any questions. Our goal is to take as many students to Springfield on Saturday, March 23 for the 7th Annual Archery in the Schools State Tournament Shoot. Students do not have to be present at every practice session but need to come as much as possible to improve your shooting skills.