National/State Test Information
Metamora Township High School administers the following tests.
Students may register for any exam via the Guidance Office.
PSAT/NMSQT is the national qualifying test for the National Merit scholarship program. This test is typically offered to high school juniors. This test measures verbal and math reasoning skills important for doing well in college. It also gives practice for taking SAT because both tests have the same kinds of questions and similar scores. It is recommended that any junior in the top 20% of the class should consider taking this test, but it is open to any junior. This test is offered October 16, 2024 during the school day. See website for full description of National Merit scholarship program:
ACT PLUS WRITING – NATIONAL TEST DATES – Please register on line at:
SAT NATIONAL TEST DATES – Please register online at:
ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) exams enable students to earn college credit based on information attained in high school. Traditionally at MTHS the following exams are administered in May: English Language and Composition, English Literature and Composition, Calculus AB/BC, Spanish, Stats, US History, World History, macroeconomics, chemistry, and Physics. Tests in other subject areas are available upon request. Cost: $99 per exam. To obtain an outside link for more information, click on:
For questions regarding testing call the Guidance Office at (309) 367-4151