Dual Credit Classes
Dual Credit Classes
Some MTHS Classes can be taken for high school and ICC college credit. Not all colleges accept dual credit courses. Check with the college admissions office of the college you plan to attend to see if they accept dual credit courses. Cost: $50 per course taught at MTHS. Fees will be charged directly to the student’s Skyward account. Most textbooks are provided by teacher; however, some classes may require students to purchase textbooks. See course details below.
Click here to view all MTHS Dual Credit Classes and requirements
Students must apply at ICC. Steps to apply:
Go to: icc.edu
Click: “Start now"
Click: “Apply now” then "Admissions application"
Put in your personal information.
Question: Which best describes your educational goal?
Select: Early College: I am taking classes while I am still in high school (including home school students)
Question: Graduation date? If you do not know the exact date, put 05/20/full year you will graduate (day off week does not matter)
Need help applying? See your counselor but you must bring your social security number.
You must qualify to be in dual credit courses. See below each course for qualifications.
Unless extenuating circumstances, ALL Students must take the placement test at MTHS or at ICC.
ICC placement testing will be available at MTHS 3-4 times per year
For ICC placement test information see: https://icc.edu/admissions/enrollment/placement-testing/
Other testing options are at ICC. Click here on how to test at ICC
Important Note: After completing the ICC application, you will receive an email with your username and a temporary password. Students must log in using their username and the temporary password. Change your password and write it down. Then, complete the security question. The temporary password will expire, and you will not be able to access your account without contacting the ICC Help Desk.
How Do I Prepare? Practice your skills and better prepare yourself for the placement assessment by visiting these webpages:
https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/student/practice(free ACCUPLACER practice questions and test taking tips)
https://accuplacerpractice.collegeboard.org/login(free web-based study app)
https://www.khanacademy.org(additional math review)