Courses noted with an * have a prerequisite
Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior |
# - These two classes have the same curriculum but different names.
Speech is the most fundamental and universally used form of communication. It is the goal of our department to get students to speak in the target language. Consequently, the World Languages Department values class participation. Any student who signs up for a foreign language class should understand and anticipate that oral communication and or class participation will be a factor in determining a grade for the class.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0811 (06201A000)
SEM. 2 – 0812 (06201A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None
The focus of grammar will be the correct use of the present tense. Students will learn to discuss school, daily routines, the weather, household chores, family members, the home and looks in the present tense. The emphasis of the regular German sequence is communication. Grammar mistakes that do not interfere with communication are treated as insignificant. The only grammar emphasized in the first year is the correct use of the present tense of verbs. Students will be taught how to greet and say good-bye, talk about their family members and to describe their friends. They will learn how to count and express time. Other topics that will be covered and about which the students will learn to express themselves include school, free time activities, daily routine, foods, clothing, the home and household chores, body parts and illnesses, the weather, and occupations.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0821 (06202A000)
SEM. 2 – 0822 (06202A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: German I
The only new point of grammar to be emphasized in second year is the proper use of present perfect tense. Culture and new vocabulary will be introduced through readings. Extensive discussions of the readings will be the vehicle through which students will, hopefully, become more comfortable with the idea of speaking German.In addition to learning additional grammar, the students will expand their vocabulary and cultural awareness by reading authentic materials and engaging with sundry listening comprehension exercises suited to the level.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0831 (06203A000)
SEM. 2 – 0832 (06203A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: German II
Grammar that will enable students to formulate more complex sentences will be taught. Grammar mistakes that do not interfere with comprehension will be pointed out and corrected but will not become a point of focus. In fact, mistakes made while speaking German will generally be seen in a positive light. Mistakes mean the student is trying to speak German and learning to communicate. Listening comprehension receives an enhanced emphasis in third year.
SEM. 1 – 0841 (06204A000)
SEM. 2 – 0842 (06204A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: German III; Students must have one of the following Reading scores: NexGen Accuplacer 259 or Writing 5 or Higher; ACT 18; SAT 480. This course can be taken for ICC college credit (Semester 1 – GER 110, Semester 2 – GER 111)
We move forward on all fronts – speaking, listening, reading, and, to a lesser extent writing. While the emphasis will remain on communication, there will be some emphasis put on cleaning up so the most common errors that don’t necessarily inhibit communication. Students who register for dual credit and earn a grade of “C” or higher will earn four credits per semester from ICC, for a total of eight credits.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0851 (06201A000)
SEM. 2 – 0852 (06201A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None
Hopefully, every student who successfully completes four years of Honors German will be in a position to earn college credits by passing the AP Exam. Consequently, although, as is the case in German I, communication is the primary goal, there will be an added emphasis on correct grammar. The students will be asked to apply a number of rules that will have been explained to them. The same topics will be covered as in German I. The students will also learn how to discuss all of those topics in the conversational past tense.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0861 (06202A000)
SEM. 2 – 0862 (06202A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Honors German I
In addition to learning additional grammar, the students will expand their vocabulary and cultural awareness by reading and listening to level suited books on CD.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0871 (06203A000)
SEM. 2 – 0872 (06203A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Honors German II; Students must have one of the following Reading scores: NexGen Accuplacer 259 or Writing 5 or Higher; ACT 18; SAT 480. This course can be taken for ICC college credit (Semester 1 – GER 110, Semester 2 – GER 111)
We move forward on all fronts – speaking, listening, reading, and, to a lesser extent, writing. While the emphasis will remain on communication, there will be some emphasis put on cleaning-up the most common errors that don’t necessarily inhibit communication. Students who register for dual credit and earn a grade of “C” or higher will earn four credits per semester from ICC, for a total of eight credits.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0881 (06204A000)
SEM. 2 – 0882 (06204A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Honors German III; Students must have one of the following Reading scores: NexGen Accuplacer 259 or Writing 5 or Higher; ACT 18; SAT 480. This course can be taken for ICC college credit (Semester 1 – GER 210, Semester 2 – GER 211)
Previously mastered vocabulary and grammar will be reviewed and reinforced. New topics and grammatical topics will be introduced. Structures frequently used in conversation which differ significantly from English will be introduced and drilled. There will be an increasing alliance on authentic materials. Students who register for dual credit and earn a grade of “C” or higher will earn an additional four credits per semester beyond what they earned in Honors III for a total of sixteen hours from ICC.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0911 (06101A000)
SEM. 2 – 0912 (06101A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None
This course will prepare students to function at the Novice Mid level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. They will be able to use a limited number of words and phrases for common objects and actions in their daily lives. They will be able to provide basic information in Spanish, even if they will be understood with difficulty. They will become familiar with the present tense use of verbs and high frequency structures. Phrase-length discourse, both written and spoken is the expectation by the end of the course. Cultural awareness will be integrated through the use of authentic resources.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0921 (06102A000)
SEM. 2 – 0922 (06102A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Spanish I
This course will prepare students to function at the Novice High level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. They will be able to use familiar words and phrases on familiar tasks, topics, and activities. They will be able to use phrases and short simple sentences to provide basic information and combine words and phrases to create original sentences. They will be mostly understood by someone accustomed to a language learner. They will increase their accuracy in the use of the present test and begin to interpret and communicate events in the past tense, learning even more high frequency verbs and expressions. Sentence-length discourse, both written and spoken is the expectation by the end of the course. Cultural awareness and analysis will be integrated through the use of authentic resources.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0931 (06103A000)
SEM. 2 – 0932 (06103A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Spanish II
In this course students will continue to function at the Novice High level with some emerging evidence of Intermediate Low indicators as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. They will be able to use a variety of words and phrases on a range of familiar topics. They can begin to give more details and elaborate on a topic. They will be able to use strings of simple sentences to express their thoughts and opinions. They will be able to combine words and phrases to create original sentences. They will be able to be understood by someone accustomed to a language learner. They will continue to increase their accuracy in the past tenses and be introduced to the subjunctive. Paragraph-length discourse will be the expectation by the end of the course. They will be able to understand and recall stories or events in Spanish. Cultural awareness and navigation of complex issues in Spanish-speaking countries will be integrated through the use of authentic resources.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0941 (06104A000)
SEM. 2 – 0942 (06104A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Honors Spanish II or Spanish III
This course will prepare students to function at the Intermediate Low level as defined by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Students will be able to use words and expressions from a wide range of topics and begin to use expanded vocabulary on a topic to give details and elaborate. Students will be able to use strings of sentences to describe or explain, using connecting phrases to create longer original sentences. Students will be easily understood by someone accustomed to a language learner. Students will be able to understand questions and statements from real-life situations which may take place face-to-face or electronically. They will have increased accuracy of the past tenses and developing accuracy of the subjunctive. Multiple paragraph-length discourse will be the expectation by the end of the course. They will be able to tell original stories or share past events with more ease and begin to indicate future courses of action or opinions. Cultural awareness and global citizenship will be integrated through the use of authentic resources.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0951 (06101A000)
SEM. 2 – 0952 (06101A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
This course is open to any student with the recommendation of an English or Language Arts Teacher. The class will move much more rapidly and consists of a more extensive study of grammar and vocabulary than Spanish I. The class is conducted entirely in Spanish, which enables the students to acquire the ability to understand and communicate the spoken language more efficiently. Writing exercises will include dictations, compositions and reading comprehension essays. The students will read short stories and passages in the book. A grammar notebook will be kept by the students, which contains all grammar points learned during the year. This course is the first step toward preparation for taking the Spanish AP exam (for college credit), which is given during the second semester of Honors Spanish IV.
(Spanish IV Regular)
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0961 (06102A000)
SEM. 2 – 0962 (06102A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Honors Spanish I or Spanish III
The first two months are a review of the grammar of Honors Spanish I. The remainder of the year is spent on learning new grammar concepts (all tenses), reading and speaking more extensively and with more fluency. The emphasis is on listening comprehension and conversations. The grammar notebook will be continued as new concepts of grammar are learned. The students will also keep a journal during the year. As with Honors Spanish I, only Spanish is spoken in the classroom, and class participation is very important.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0971 (06103A000)
SEM. 2 – 0972 (06103A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Honors Spanish II; Students must have one of the following Reading scores: NexGen Accuplacer 259 or Writing 5 or Higher; ACT 18; SAT 480. This course can be taken for ICC college credit (SPAN 110 & 111).
This course includes a review of Spanish grammar, the reading of short stories, magazine and newspaper articles, the writing of various journal entries, and two oral/written projects. The students will also read a student version of Don Quixote. There is also a study of the culture, including geography, history and customs, of the Hispanic countries. The class is conducted entirely in Spanish. Activities for enhancing conversation will be role-playing, demonstration speeches with discussion, interviews, commercials and discussion of current events.
NCAA Approved
SEM. 1 – 0981 (06104A000)
SEM. 2 – 0982 (06104A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Honors Spanish III; Students must have one of the following Reading scores: NexGen Accuplacer 259 or Writing 5 or Higher; ACT 18; SAT 480. This course can be taken for ICC college credit (SPAN 210 & 211).
This course is a continuation of Honors Spanish III. There will be a study of idioms and a continuation of the study of Hispanic culture through a written and oral project on a country. A short novel will be read and discussed. Journals are kept and conversation is enhanced through dialogue, role-playing, debates and current event discussions. Only Spanish is spoken in class. During the second semester of Honors Spanish IV, the students prep and review for the Spanish AP exam. The students will have received the necessary practice and skills in preparation for the Spanish AP exam.