Special Education





  • Reading One (Y)

  • English One (Y)

  • English Two (Y)*

  • English Three (Y)*

  • Internship One (Y)

  • Internship One Class (Y)

  • English Four (Y)*

  • Internship Two (Y)*

  • Internship Two Class (Y)*

The Special Education classes listed below can be taken at any point during a student’s four year educational career. Note:  Some Special Education classes are offered on a rotating year basis.



  • Math Foundations (Y)

  • Basic Math (Y)

  • Consumer Math (Y)

  • Basic Geometry (Y)

  • Basic Algebra (Y)

  • Pre-Algebra (Y)

  • Algebra Part One (Y)

  • Applied Geometry (Y)

  • Algebra Part Two (Y)

  • Unified PE (Y)

  • Resource Study Hall (S)

  • Health Education



  • Life Science (Y)

  • Earth Science (Y)

  • Work Study One (Y)

  • PAES (Y)

  • Internship Program (Y)

  • Internship Class (Y)


  • World History (Y)

  • Civics (S)

  • Geography (S)

  • U.S. History (Y)


SEM. 1 – 8081 (01068A000)
SEM. 2 – 8082 (01068A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite: Enrollment based on test scores; Concurrent enrollment with English One

This course is developed for individual students who must/need to improve reading scores to meet MTHS SIP (school improvement plan) goals, and develop functional reading skills. A variety of specialized instructional strategies will be used as determined by the needs of the student. They will include increasing vocabulary, decoding words, and improving fluency of reading and comprehension. This class may be repeated.


SEM. 1 – 8371 (01999A000)
SEM. 2 – 8372 (01999A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  Concurrent enrollment with Reading One

English One students will learn to read and analyze literature, develop skills in writing through research, gain skills in the basics of English grammar, and expand their vocabulary knowledge and usage.  Students will read a broad array of short stories, novels, autobiographies and speeches.  In conjunction with reading skills, students will demonstrate competency in a variety of writing genres: argumentative, informal/expository, and narrative writing.


SEM. 1 – 8051 (01001A000)
SEM. 2 – 8052 (01001A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  English One

This course reinforces reading and writing as ways to discover and solve problems. It requires students to read widely and expand their background knowledge through research. It provides multiple opportunities to practice study skills and problem solving strategies, including note taking, outlining, summarizing, paraphrasing, and vocabulary building. This class is modeled on the explorations level of the FAME reading Program, as developed by Girls and Boys Town Reading Center.


SEM. 1 – 8061 (01156A000)
SEM. 2 – 8062 (01156A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  English Two

This course will provide students with communication skills for successful transition to adult life. Review and emphasis will be placed on language skills, grammar usage and vocabulary development, as well as paragraph and essay writing. Reading will include novels and short stories with an application to real life situations.


SEM. 1 – 8071 (01156A000)
SEM. 2 – 8072 (01156A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  English Four

This course is intended to teach the application and use of language and communication skills previously taught. Emphasis will be on technical reading, writing, and everyday communication skills. There will be a review of job seeking and job preparation skills and writing and reading for independent living.


SEM. 1 – 8606 (22998A000)
SEM. 2 – 8607 (22998A000)
Year - 2.0 credits

Prerequisite:  Concurrent enrollment with Internship One Class

Students will be given an opportunity to learn on-site job skills in local businesses. Students are required to perform a variety of jobs with support will move between two or three different locations over the course of the school year. They will be given feedback and will be required to self-reflect on their performance on a weekly basis. This is an excellent way for students to build a resume through job experience.


SEM. 1 – 8608 (22998A000)
SEM. 2 – 8609 (22998A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  Concurrent enrollment with Internship One

This course will focus on the attitudes and behaviors needed for getting and keeping a job. The students will explore/research/profile various career clusters. They will develop a career plan, utilizing interest/aptitude/personality surveys to help set realistic goals. Students will receive instructions about how to apply for work, where to seek employment and what skills are necessary to maintain employment.


SEM. 1 – 8606A (22998A000)
SEM. 2 – 8607A (22998A000)
Year - 2.0 credits

Prerequisite:  Internship One; Concurrent enrollment with Internship Two Class

Students will be given an opportunity to learn on-site job skills in local businesses. Students are required to perform a variety of jobs with support will move between two or three different locations over the course of the school year. They will be given feedback and will be required to self-reflect on their performance on a weekly basis. This is an excellent way for students to build a resume through job experience.


SEM. 1 – 8608A (22998A000)
SEM. 2 – 8609A (22998A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  Internship One Class; Concurrent enrollment with Internship Two

This course will reinforce content from Internship One and continue to prepare students for the world of work. Content will emphasize community service, consumer education skills, resumes, applications and job skills.


SEM. 1 – 8023 (02001A000)
SEM. 2 – 8024 (02001A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  2 year sequence

This math course is intended to continue teaching math skills students will use every day. The emphasis is on everyday math concepts and skills, such as basic money use, finding area to figure amount of paint, estimation of price, basic fraction usage, figuring discounts and buying on credit. This course is offered on a rotating basis.


SEM. 1 – 8013 (02002A000)
SEM. 2 – 8014 (02002A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

This practical math course is intended to teach students to use math to solve everyday problems in home and work situations. The emphasis is on development of everyday math concepts and skills, such as savings accounts, checking accounts, wages and shopping to save, using basic math concepts. This course is offered on a rotating basis.


SEM. 1 – 8241 (02157A000)
SEM. 2 – 8242 (02157A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  3 year sequence

This math course is intended to continue teaching practical math skills used in daily living. The emphasis is on everyday math skills that reinforce realistic, consumer-oriented applications such as couponing, comparing units, net pay, planning a trip, and counting calories. This course is offered on a rotating basis.


SEM. 1 – 8011 (02002A000)
SEM. 2 – 8012 (02002A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend students’ algebraic reasoning and computation that began in middle grades. Students will explore how to solve equations using percentages, fractions, decimals, and proportions. The major units of the course are as follows:  Basic Operations and Rational Expressions, Integers, Exponents, Square Roots, and Pythagorean Theorem, and Basic Statistics.


SEM. 1 – 8015 (02079A000)
SEM. 2 – 8016 (02079A000)

Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

Basic Geometry is focused on the real-world application of math. This course includes basic math concepts with hands-on tasks to make lessons meaningful. The first semester is focused on terminology and basic formulas. The second semester is focused on triangles and circles. We will work on the basics of area and perimeter of shapes.


SEM. 1 – 8001 (02051A000)
SEM. 2 – 8002 (02051A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

This math course is intended to give students basic skills in algebra. The emphasis of this course will be to review basic operations and to introduce the students to algebra concepts.


SEM. 1 – 8003 (02053A000)
SEM. 2 – 8004 (02053A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

Algebra One Part One- Algebra class used to develop skills in the following areas: Number sense with positives and negatives, solving equations (single step through multi-step with distribution), Graphing (points, lines, quadratics) and functions. Students will get the base they need if they are to move onto Algebra I in the general education classroom. Some students may move on to Basic Algebra if they need an additional algebra credit.


SEM. 1 – 8181 (02071A000)
SEM. 2 – 8182 (02071A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

Applied Geometry is a class used to teach the gen ed geometry curriculum at a modified pace. Certain topics will be covered over a longer period and more algebra concepts will be taught throughout the semester. Geometry concepts covered: Coordinate Planes, Graphing Lines, Triangles, Circles, Trig Functions, Proportions, Probability, Angles, and intro to proofs. Students will also be solving equations from single-step to multi-step with distribution and combining like-terms.


SEM. 1 – 8005 (02054A000)
SEM. 2 – 8006 (02054A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  Algebra Part One

This course will cover many of the concepts taught in general education Algebra 2 and Transitional Math. It will be modified versions of both in order to cover particular parts with the ability to spend more time in each area. The following areas will be taught: factoring, quadratics and quadratic function, exponentials and systems of equations.


SEM. 1 – 8131 (03999A000)
SEM. 2 – 8132 (03999A000)

Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

This course will emphasize the human body and how it functions. Material will cover Life Science with topics that include the human body, nutrition, drugs/alcohol and their influence on health. This course is offered on a rotating basis.


SEM. 1 – 8121 (03001A000)
SEM. 2 – 8122 (03001A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

The purpose of this course is to gain an understanding of earth, climate, and environment. Also emphasized will be Foundations of Natural Science concepts and applications to real life situations. This course is offered on a rotating basis


SEM. 1 – 8101 (04305A000)
SEM. 2 – 8102 (04305A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

First semester will cover Civics and the Constitution, including a study on citizenship, law, crime and juvenile law. Second semester will focus on economics and consumer education for 9 weeks and real life geography skills for 9 weeks. This course is offered on a rotating basis.


SEM. 1 – 8560 (04161A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit

Prerequisite:  None

The course examines the Constitution and the general structure and functions of the U.S. systems of government, the roles and responsibilities of citizens to participate in the political process, and the relationship of the individual to the law and legal system.


SEM. 2 – 8570 (04002A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit

Prerequisite:  None

This course examines topics in geography, such as physical or cultural geography, or the geography of a particular area or region.


SEM. 1 – 8111 (04101A000)
SEM. 2 – 8112 (04101A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

This course is intended to teach U.S. History, beginning with the early exploration and colonization of the U.S. and move through the decades to the present. Emphasis will be placed on current events. This course is offered on a rotating basis.


SEM. 1 – 7120 (08001A000)
SEM. 2 – 7121 (08001A000)
Semester - 0.25 credit

Prerequisite:  Teacher Recommendation

Unified Physical Education provides a unique opportunity for students with and without disabilities to come together through ongoing educational and physical activities. Additionally, the class supports the development of leadership skills for all students as well as the empowerment of ALL students to foster an inclusive class and school-wide environment. Students may have the opportunity to participate in competitions with other schools, unified sports, leadership summits, and school wide respect campaigns. Unified PE provides opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their classmates. This class is offered to students needing unified PE and Junior/Senior regular division students per teacher approval.


SEM. 1 – 8881 (22005A000)
SEM. 2 – 8882 (22005A000)
Year - 0.0 credit

Prerequisite:  Teacher Recommendation

This class is for the student with an IEP who is mainstreamed into regular division classes. The purpose of this class will be to improve study skills and provide tutorial assistance to be successful in general education classes.

Offered Fall semester only

SEM. 1 – 8090 (08051A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit

Prerequisite:  None

The purpose of this course is to gain an understanding of the concepts involved in healthful living. First aid, drugs, diseases, physical fitness, mental health, and diet are just a few of the topics to be discussed.


SEM. 1 – 8271 (22998A000)
SEM. 2 – 8221 (22998A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

This course will focus on the attitudes and behaviors needed for getting and keeping a job. The students will explore/research/profile various career clusters. They will develop a career plan, utilizing interest/aptitude/personality surveys to help set realistic goals. Students will receive instructions about how to apply for work, where to seek employment and what skills are necessary to maintain employment.


SEM. 1 – 8161 (22998A000)
SEM. 2 – 8162 (22998A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  None

This course is for students who volunteer or are employed on campus one period per day. The objective is to develop work skills and work attitudes for the student to be successful at a job off campus. Enrollment in this course is to be arranged with the head of the Special Education Department.


SEM. 1 – 8171 (22998A000)
SEM. 2 – 8172 (22998A000)
Year - 1.0 credit

Prerequisite:  Vocational Education enrollment also required

Work Experience is a course for students to work outside of school at a particular job. This job must be obtained by the student with the assistance and job approval from the teacher/vocational coordinator. The student must be in good academic standing and must abide by the rules and regulations set by the school, employer, and vocational coordinator.