Freshmen | Sophomores | Juniors | Seniors | |
Bands |
Choirs |
Art |
General Music |
One full year of fine arts is required for graduation.
The band program is open to everyone regardless of ability and previous experience. Participation in Wind Symphony, however, is based on auditions.
Note: Courses marked ‘Honors’ are weighted, and require summer review packets.
SEM. 1 – 5001 (55999A000)
SEM. 2 – 5002 (55999A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed for the student seeking their Fine Arts requirement for graduation or who wants to explore all of the areas of the fine arts before taking other fine arts classes. This course will be divided into four (4) different areas of study that meet for nine weeks each. A rotation of students to the four areas will be determined the first week of school. This course is best taken as a full year course. However, if a student only has schedule availability for this course during one semester, the course may be taken either first or second only. Students do not need to have any prior knowledge in any of these areas before taking this class. The individual areas covered are as follows:
ART 2D: The basic areas of 2D art would be covered in this 9 week session. Students would be introduced to the elements and principles of art. This session would include hands-on experience in both drawing and painting.
ART 3D: In this 9 week session students will explore 3D Art. Emphasis would be on art appreciation and art history in relation to 3D art, as well as the principles of design in sculpture. Students will also study functional art and complete introductory projects related to sculpture and ceramics.
GENERAL MUSIC: UKULELE: This 9 week session would be an introduction to the fundamental elements of music. Students would be introduced to the basics of reading and performing music through the ukulele.
PERFORMING ARTS: In this 9 week session students will be given an introduction to the different families of the performing arts with a heavy focus on Acting and Dancing. This will include both an exploration of historical and theoretical information in addition to hands-on performance experience in small and large group settings.
ART 1 2D
SEM. 1 – 5360 (05154A000)
SEM. 2 – 5360 (05154A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
This class is designed as an introduction to the Visual Arts. This course can be used for one semester of credit towards the Fine Arts credit required for graduation. Freshmen who wish to accelerate an Art path through high school can begin here. The course will cover the elements of art and principles of design with textbook assignments, as well as “hands on” activities. The emphasis will be on drawing, painting, and other two dimensional forms of art. The curriculum is based on the National Standards of Visual Arts and the textbook “Art Talk.” Students will also be introduced to some history of art and the methods used in the criticism of a work of art. Students may be required to supply some basic materials.
ART 1 - 3D
SEM. 1 – 5370 (05154A000)
SEM. 2 – 5370 (05154A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
This class is designed as an introduction to three dimensional art. This class is for students interested in sculpture and ceramics, and students hoping to take ceramics or 3-D design classes should begin here. Emphasis will be placed on the elements and principles of design while students are introduced to contemporary artists whose work focuses on 3 dimensional presentations. Students will explore the work of sculptors, ceramicists, and innovative contemporary designers who work with a variety of materials while also creating their own 3 dimensional pieces in a variety of media. All supplies will be provided.
SEM. 1 – 5381 (05156A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Art 1 2D or Fine Arts Survey with instructor approval
Students will explore drawing more in depth beyond what they learned in Art 1 2D. Students will develop their drawing skills with instruction in perspective, figure drawing, contour, gesture and still life. They will produce original drawings exhibiting their skills and exploring various subjects through various media used in drawing. Students will also study historical and contemporary artists that have influenced and are influencing the art of drawing. This course is recommended for students planning to pursue Advanced Art or AP Art and Design.
SEM. 2 – 5382 (05157A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Art 1 2D or Fine Arts Survey with instructor approval
Students will explore drawing more in depth beyond what they learned in Art 1 2D. Students will develop their painting skills with instruction in the use of various media including acrylic, oil, tempera, and watercolor paint. They will produce original paintings exhibiting their skills and exploring various subjects through the expressive characteristics of various media used in painting. Students will also study historical and contemporary artists that have influenced and are influencing the world of painting. This course is recommended for students planning to pursue Advanced Art or AP Art and Design.
SEM. 1 – 5383 (05159A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Art 1 3D
Students will explore ceramic art beyond what they learned in Art 1 3D. This class moves beyond the basics with an emphasis on different techniques, functions and forms. Various processes will be used to create three-dimensional clay artworks, including hand-built construction and basic wheel throwing techniques. Creativity and quality craftsmanship are emphasized as students explore both functional and sculptural forms using low fire, high fire, and raku clay firing processes. Students will also study historical and contemporary artists that are influencing the world of ceramic art. This course is recommended for students planning to pursue Advanced Art or AP Art and Design.
SEM. 2 – 5391 (05158A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Art 1 3D
Students will explore various mediums and techniques that will take them beyond the preliminary projects of sculpture in Art 1 3D. Students will explore glass fusing, wire forming, weaving, carving, sculpture, and various other mediums related to three dimensional design. Students will also study historical and contemporary artists that are influencing the world of sculptural art. This course is recommended for students planning to pursue Advanced Art or AP Art and Design.
SEM. 1 – 5421 (11052A003)
SEM. 2 – 6721 (11052A003)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
Provides students with basic art and photography skills. The major emphasis of this course will be to develop the ability to see in a photographic manner and to analyze images through the elements of formal design. Students will learn how to take compositionally artistic photographs, analyze their own photographs, and present their photographs in a professional manner. Students will be taught how to use shutter speeds and apertures, file formats, photo resolution and digital cameras.
This course can count towards a Fine Arts or CTE requirement.
SEM. 1 – 5431 (11054A001)
SEM. 2 – 6731 (11054A001)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
This course is an advanced exploration of digital photography. Students will begin to explore the use of digital photography in society and will experiment with different photography techniques in Adobe Photoshop. Students will complete various photographic assignments that delve into the artistic expression that photography provides.
This course can count towards a Fine Arts or CTE requirement.
SEM. 1 – 5401 (05154A000)
SEM. 2 – 5402 (05154A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Recommended two of the following: Drawing, Painting, Ceramics and 3D Design & Craft or Consent of Instructor
This class is designed for students who have shown proficiency or interest in visual art as exhibited in Art 1 and Intermediate Art classes. This class is set up as more of a studio environment, and students are expected to be able to work well independently. This classroom will also be conducted in a Fine Arts manner in which each student can work on his or her individual strengths and weaknesses in various areas of visual art. Students will be expected to do instructor designed projects, weekly sketchbook, journal and reading assignments and show daily progress towards these goals. They will also need to be able to discuss, interpret and judge works of art through oral and written critiques. There may be a small lab fee for the class, and students may need to provide certain materials necessary for their work that are above and beyond the normal materials provided.
SEM. 1 – 5411 (05170A000)
SEM. 2 – 5412 (05170A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Advanced Art or Consent of Instructor
This class is designed for students who have exhibited proficiency or strong interest in visual art as exhibited in Art 1, Intermediate and Advanced Art classes. Students are expected to work well independently and show continual progress. This classroom will also be conducted in a Fine Arts manner in which each student can work on his or her individual strengths and weaknesses in various areas of visual art. A portfolio is required by most universities and art schools for admission and/or scholarship consideration. Senior Art Portfolio should be the last high school art course taken by the student. While continuing to create work during the course, the student will also be preparing a solid portfolio containing his/her best work. The student will also be required to write a personal artist’s statement and exhibit examples of work in a Senior exhibition.
SEM. 1 – 5413 (05174A000)
SEM. 2 – 5414 (05174A000)
Year - 0.50 credit per semester
Prerequisite: Minimum of 2 years of art with “C” average or higher or approval of the Art Department Chairperson
The AP Art and Design program consists of three different courses and AP Exams – AP 2-D Art and Design, AP 3-D Art and Design, and AP Drawing – corresponding to college and university foundations courses. Students create a portfolio of work to demonstrate inquiry through art and design and development of materials, processes, and ideas over the course of a year. Portfolios include works of art and design, process documentation, and written information about the work presented. In May, students submit portfolios for evaluation based on specific criteria, which include skillful synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas and sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision, guided by questions. Students will choose which AP Portfolio exam they will submit. Students may submit one AP Portfolio exam per year.
Every MTHS band is a graded class that meets every day. Band classes focus on the study and performance of various styles of instrumental music. There is a strong emphasis on the development of individual musicianship. All band students may opt to receive GPA credit or Honors GPA credit in any band class.
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
The purpose of Honors Instrumental Music is to provide a venue for gifted and talented students to study music in-depth and receive Honor credit for their work. The rigors of the Honors program are designed for the serious music student. Students who audition for in the Wind Symphony automatically qualify for Honors Instrumental Music. Students must audition in the spring to be accepted and then re-audition prior to the school year to maintain Honors status. Honors Instrumental Music is open to all students enrolled in Band. To enroll in honors band, students must choose:
1st Semester | 2nd Semester |
Symphonic Band (5091) | Symphonic Band (5092) |
SEM. 1 – 5071 (05102A000)
SEM. 2 – 5072 (05102A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None - No Auditions
The Symphonic Band is a year-long course open to all students, regardless of ability, including beginners.
The band concentrates on challenging and appropriate repertoire for symphonic band, concentrating on band masterworks. Membership does NOT require an audition. The ensemble performs a minimum of one on-campus concert per nine weeks plus various festivals and off-campus concerts. A syllabus, detailing requirements, is given at the beginning of the school year. Students are also assigned to basketball pep bands. The option to participate in marching band is open to all band members and Marching Band members receive PE credit.
SEM. 1 – 5131 (05106A000)
SEM. 2 – 5132 (05106A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Symphonic Band and Audition Required
Wind Symphony is the most advanced wind and percussion ensemble for those students who have achieved the highest level of proficiency. Entry into the ensemble is by audition only and is open to sophomores thru seniors. Auditions take place in the spring prior to the next year. This is a year-long course that fosters outstanding rehearsal and performance standards, refined musical literature study (advanced high school and college-level music) and a high degree of music appreciation. With only 1-2 players per part, this ensemble is smaller than a band. Daily home practice and total commitment to personal as well as ensemble excellence are essential and expected. Private study is imperative. The ensemble performs a minimum of one on-campus concert per nine weeks, plus various festivals and off-campus concerts. A syllabus, detailing requirements, is given at the beginning of the school year. Students are also assigned to basketball pep bands. The option to participate in marching band is open to all band members and Marching Band members receive PE credit.
SEM. 1 – 9821 (08013A000)
Semester - 0.25 credit
Prerequisite: Audition Required
Color Guard is a semester course that exists as a competitive team that performs at all home football games, parades, and five to six competitions in the fall. As well as, Tuesday and Thursday night rehearsals and after-school sectionals. All Color Guard students must also participate in summer activities including the Old Settler’s Parade, section rehearsals, parade and band camp. Students learn flag, rifle, and sabre basics, as well as movement and dance as they relate to the State Goals for Learning in Fine Arts. The course prepares students for performances at both sporting events and concerts throughout the fall semester. There are audition clinics and auditions in May each year. All students, veteran or rookie, must audition to be placed on the competitive team. Color Guard fulfills the PE requirement for the first semester.
SEM. 2 – 9823 (08013A000)
Semester - 0.25 credit
Prerequisite: None
Winter Guard is a semester course that exists as both a beginning for new learners, and a continuation for
veteran guard members. Students learn flag, rifle, and sabre basics, as well as movement and dance as they relate to the State Goals for Learning in Fine Arts. The course prepares students for performances at both sporting events and concerts throughout the spring semester. Evening rehearsals, as well as weekend rehearsals may be a part of this course based on year, interest, and participation. There is no audition required. Winter Guard fulfills a PE requirement for the second semester.
Every MTHS choir is a graded class that meets every day. Choir classes are performance-based, and they focus on the study and performance of various styles of choral music. Individual musicianship will be emphasized on a daily basis. All choir students may opt to receive GPA credit or Honors GPA credit in any choir class. Auditions will be held for students selecting Honors credit, and additional coursework will be required for students enrolled in Honors Choir throughout the school year.
SEM. 1 – 5861 (05110A000)
SEM. 2 – 5862 (05110A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None
Chorale is a non-auditioned ensemble of sophomore, junior, and senior students. Sight reading skills, ear training, and music theory knowledge will be stressed daily, but previous knowledge will be a requirement. Previous choral experience is not required for this course. Members of this ensemble will be expected to pursue quality vocal skills and vocal tone awareness. This ensemble will perform at numerous MTHS concerts, choral festivals, and community events throughout the school year. Students can expect to grow as musicians when they join this ensemble.
SEM. 1 – 5761 (05110A000)
SEM. 2 – 5762 (05110A000)
Year - 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None
Freshmen Choir is a non-auditioned group that is open to all freshmen students at MTHS. Sight-reading skills, ear training, and music theory knowledge will be reviewed regularly for this course. Members of this choir will learn how to demonstrate quality vocal skills. This ensemble performs at numerous MTHS concerts throughout the school year. Previous choral experience is not required for this course.

General Music
SEM. 1 – 5200 (05107A000)
SEM. 2 – 5200 (05107A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
Piano 1 provides students with individualized training in basic piano technique, musical notation, and performance. This course is designed to develop piano skills both individually and in small groups. Students will have the opportunity to explore repertoire from different historical periods as they learn the basics of note reading and performance technique. A command of the basic elements of music is developed through exercises in analysis and performance. This course is designed to meet the needs of every student regardless of musical knowledge or ability. Students need no prior piano experience to enroll in Piano 1.
SEM. 1 – 5210 (05107A000)
SEM. 2 – 5210 (05107A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Piano I
Piano II provides students with continued individualized training in basic to advanced piano technique, musical notation, and history. Students will have the opportunity to build off of the skills gained in Piano I to better understand more complex performance, musical notation, and historical concepts as it relates to the piano. A command of moderate to advanced elements of music is developed through performance, analysis, composing, and arranging. Students will need Piano I or teacher recommendation to enroll.
SEM. 1 – 5250 (05108A000)
SEM. 2 – 5250 (05108A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
Students will learn to read music and study technique and style. Students gain an understanding of the instrument and gain a basic level of proficiency.
SEM. 1 – 5251 (05108A000)
SEM. 2 – 5251 (05108A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Acoustic Guitar I
A continuation of Acoustic Guitar I, Acoustic Guitar II explores further skills and techniques of the instrument. This class will include review and expansion on essential elements of music theory, such as notation, keys, intervals, and triads as these elements apply to the playing of guitar. Students will study various strumming and picking styles, chord structures, and progress to the intermediate level.
SEM. 1 – 5301 (05113A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
Music Theory I is a combination music theory and aural skills course taught at the collegiate level. Music Theory I is the first course in a series of four courses in basic music theory. The course includes basic fundamentals of music notation, diatonic functions, triads and seventh chords, principles of voice leading, harmonic progressions, inversions and concludes with cadences, phrases and sequences. A command of these topics is gained through consistent exercises, analysis, and composition. This course also includes an aural understanding of the division of the beat in simple and compound meters; identification of scales, diatonic intervals, triads, and seventh chords; and melodies moving by step and using skips within the tonic triad in major and minor tonalities. Aural understanding is developed through dictation and sight singing.
SEM. 2 – 5302 (05113A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: Music Theory/History I DC with a grade C or better.
Music Theory II is a combination music theory and aural skills course taught at the collegiate level. Music Theory II is the second course in a series of four courses in basic music theory. This course begins the study of two-part tonal counterpoint, as well as non-chord tones, diatonic seventh chord voice leading practices, and concludes with secondary functions, other modulatory techniques, and post tonal harmonies. Command of these topics is gained through consistent and concentrated analysis and composition. This course also includes an aural understanding of intervals from the dominant triad and dominant seventh chord in major and minor keys in simple and compound meters, other diatonic intervals of the seventh and tritone, subdivision of the beat in simple and compound meters, and structured improvisation. Aural understanding is developed through dictation and sight singing.
SEM. 1 – 5331 (05118A000)
SEM. 2 – 5331 (05118A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
Whereas other courses in the Music Department chiefly provide instruction in the performance and production of music, Music Appreciation is about fostering more informed listeners and consumers of music and music history. In this course, students will listen to, analyze, and evaluate music and musical performance from both a historical and contemporary perspective. Without a need for any prerequisite knowledge of musical notation or performance skills, students will develop a greater historical and cultural knowledge of music and be able to draw connections between the new knowledge and their own musical interests. This will create a foundation to inform their future musical experiences, and develop artistic discernment beyond their present musical interests.
SEM. 1 – 5310 (55149A000)
SEM. 2 – 5310 (55149A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
Music Technology is designed as an interdisciplinary study of music technology, music composition, music arranging, and movie music. This course will cover the basic functions of Audacity and Garage Band and how to use these technological functions to create, arrange, and master one’s own work. This course will also cover the basic structures of music composition to better help each student understand the relevance of melody and harmony as it pertains to the modern day musician. Students will also be given the opportunity to work with the CTE department and create music for movies created by other classes, to learn how to properly create music to set texture and mood in a film, as well as sync their arrangements with the movies created by other students.
SEM. 1 – 5350 (05052A000)
SEM. 2 – 5350 (05052A000)
Semester - 0.50 credit
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed to provide an opportunity for students interested in becoming a stronger performer to dive into all forms of performing arts. That includes the exploration of bands/artists, playwriting, small group dialogue performances, body language analysis, composer analysis, etc.. Communication skills will be emphasized. No previous performance skills are necessary.