Dual Credit Courses

Dual Credit Courses allow students to take MTHS courses and earn high school and Illinois Central College (ICC) credits at the same time. Students must meet requirements to enroll, which include the ICC placement assessment or ACT/SAT. Each course has an additional enrollment fee; however the fee is significantly less than taking courses directly through ICC.

ICC Course Code

MTHS Course Name

MTHS Course Code

AGRI 111

Vet Tech I & Vet Tech II DC (Semester 1 & 2)


BIOL 111

Biology DC

S1-3023 | S2-3023

CMNET 150 & CMNET 151

Computer Hardware & Operating Systems DC

S1-6145 | S2-6146

EDUC 111

Introduction to American Education DC

S1-6405 | S2-6405

ENGL 110

Honors Senior English DC (semester 1)


ENGL 110

Senior English DC (semester 2)


ENGL 111

Honors Senior English DC (semester 2)


GER 110 & GER 111

German IV DC

S1-0841 | S2-0842

GER 110 & GER 111

Honors German III DC

S1-0871 | S2-0872

GER 210 & GER 211

Honors German IV DC

S1-0881 | S2-0882

HIST 201 & HIST 202

Honors US History DC

S1-4521 | S2-4522

HIST 111

Honors Early World Civilization DC

S1-4030 | S2-4030

HLTH 112

Health Occupational Studies

S1-6181 | S2-6182


Honors Humanities DC

S1-1730 | S2-1730

MATH 111

Statistics DC

S1-2750 | S2-2750

MUS 170

Music Theory/History DC (semester 1)


MUS 171

Music Theory/History DC (semester 2)


PSY 110

Honors Psychology DC

S1-4790 | S2-4790

SPAN 110 & 111

Honors Spanish III DC

S1-0971 | S2-0972

SPAN 110 & 111

Spanish IV DC

S1-0941 | S2-0942

SPAN 210 & 211

Honors Spanish IV DC

S1-0981 | S2-0982

For additional information please use this link: MTHS Dual Credit Classes