Career and Technical Education

Welcome to the
Career & Technical Education Department
The students at Metamora Township High School are very fortunate to have a broad and well balanced curriculum to choose from. Along with a tremendous Art, Band, Choir, Business, and Family & Consumer Science program, MTHS is very proud to also offer an extensive and well developed Career & Technical Education (CTE) program. Students who have enrolled in courses through the CTE program have found these courses to be beneficial as they apply concepts from core classes to create projects and solve real world problems. Likewise, the CTE Department is continually revamping and improving the courses taught to assist students in the process of developing the skills and aptitudes that will be most desired by employers in 21st century careers.
CTE Brochure
Click HERE to download the CTE Brochure
Tour the new CTE classrooms!
Agriculture Business Management
Landscaping & Turf Grass Management
Small Engines & Electrical Wiring
Automotive Technology
Introduction to Automotive Mechanics
Drafting I & Advanced Drafting
Electronics I & Advanced Electronics
Introduction to Career & Technical Education: Electronics
Graphic Arts
Introduction to Vocational Technology: Graphic Arts
Project Lead The Way: Engineering Courses
PLTW: Civil Engineering & Architecture
PLTW: Introduction to Engineering Design
PLTW: Principles of Engineering
Welding/ Metals
Wood Construction Technology